Saturday, March 2, 2013

Remember this day

Dear Skinny Me,

Hi. Justin, our personal trainer, recently had to hold me on the treadmill. I've been working with him a few months already lost about 30 pounds with him and he asked me to get on the treadmill. Remember how much you hated the treadmill back then? It's pretty funny now to look back on that memory isn't it?

Justin literally was holding me on. I was only going at a speed of 4.0 and an incline of 12. I totally had a panic attack. I tried to get off, but Justin wouldn't let me. He held me on. I panicked my way through the longest 3 minutes of my life and I didn't die. Justin kept telling me during this time, "Remember today because you will look back on this and laugh."

That is the reason even though I am 373 pounds today, that I wanted to start writing to you, skinny me. I never want you to forget what it was like when you were over 300 pounds. I never want you to forget that look in your eyes, the unhappiness, when you look at the above picture. I never want you to forget the panic attacks on the treadmill or Justin having to hold you on. I will keep writing you these letters, so that when you reach your goal weight, you can look back and remember all these things.

Thanks for never giving up on me. Thanks for fighting. Thanks for getting up everytime I fell down.
Thanks. Can't wait to meet you in the next year.

Proud of you,
The not so skinny me, Melissa.

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